Our worship gatherings follow an order, or liturgy, marked by adoration of God the Father, confession of our sin, remembering the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and responding together with thanksgiving for His gospel, receiving God’s words through preaching, celebrating the Lord’s Supper, and being sent out to the world empowered by the Holy Spirit to live in love and on mission in all of life.

Please come and join us! Come as you are. Some people will be wearing shorts and t-shirt and some may be wearing a collar or tie… wear what’s comfortable for you. We are a flawed yet loving community who know we are only accepted by God’s mercy and grace in Christ alone — not by our outward appearance or some facade of “having it al together”. Children are welcome in our worship services, grab a clip board on your way in and some colored pencils! We offer nursery for infants/toddlers, and children with special needs. We invite children ages 4 through 1st grade to exit the sanctuary to participate in a special age-appropriate lesson during the sermon.

If you’re interested in seeing what our worship gatherings are like, check out one of our recent livestreams on our YouTube Channel