Be imitators of God…

What does it mean to be an imitator of God? In our use of language an imitator is not the real thing. But we have already heard how the person who is united to Christ is transformed. Every person who enters into a relationship is transformed. Christians, every Christian, is made new. Spiritual transformation is a renewing of your heart.

Genuine spiritual conversion means being made new in true knowledge, righteousness, and holiness, after the image of God. I am made new and that renewal is defined as to be like Him… even if I am not living that way, it is true of me, in Him.

So we enter the discussion of beauty asking, “How do you perceive yourself to be a dearly loved child?”

… living a life of love!

As we move to a consideration of the distortion of God’s intended beauty in the creation of masculinity and femininity, feast yourself in the provision of approaching physicality through the lens of living a deep and passionate life of love.

A broken human, looking to recreate my values for love in all its forms, perhaps I should sign myself as the child, little Teddy before my values of love were formed? We are really talking about being loved.

When have you felt really loved? When have you felt lovely? When have you felt lovable?

Who made you feel it?

How did it speak deeply to your soul? Does it stay with you? Can you feel it today?

With the love of one in the Kindergarten of love school,
