Brynne Lancaster

Brynne grew up in Santa Barbara, California and moved to Stuart, Florida when she was in high school. Little did she know that cross-cultural move was the Lord preparing her for a lifetime of moves! She attended Covenant College, where she met her husband Bo, an Ocala native who has been part of GSPC since he was 11. They married after their junior year of college and left for the mission field right after graduation. They served two terms in Slovakia, and one term in Rotterdam, Netherlands as church planters and have been back at GSPC since 2019. Brynne and Bo have three children who keep them on their toes in the best way possible.

While it has been a different kind of challenge to minister to believers in an American context, Brynne is passionate about sharing with our women a vision for discipleship that is God-centered and gospel-filled.

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