“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

Genesis 1

Do you believe this to be true? Is it just another one of those historic, sentimental Christian teachings that we believe? Or did it actually happen? Against the backdrop of many ancient myths about how the world began, Moses makes this audacious claim. God created the whole universe, and He did so with absolute purpose and without flippancy. It was true, sure, and utterly in his control. The sovereignty and control of God are placarded before our eyes and minds as we read this poetic account of the creation of the cosmos. I would invite you to remember this simple reality again today. God has many names, but today, will you mediate on God as not only our Creator, but as the Creator of all things?

What is it that you are facing this day? This month? This season of your life? My mind jumps to a myriad of projects, fears, unanswered questions, sorrows, and anxieties. The circumstances of our lives begin to erect their own imaginary walls around us, as if our lives only exist within the issues and problems we face. We live right up to them, and no further. We are so often in retreat, or at least survival, mode, hoping not to be overrun by life. But the Creator God of the universe explodes the “my world” walls we create. All of our fears, anxieties, and insecurities are suddenly engulfed by the sovereignty of God. Of whom shall we be afraid? What circumstances of our lives are above the Creator? The power of God Almighty enables us to stare into the very face of evil and say, “Is that all you got!?” Because God is our creator, he has both the authority and the power to order however he so chooses. The fun part comes in the reality that God is also our Father. His complete being means he is only ever good to us. Dear friend, in whatever you face today, cast off your fears and rest in the goodness of God the Creator.
