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Good Shepherd,

The search team highly values the input of ALL (Youth group included) of our members and future members. We need your input as we continue to search for the man who will lead Good Shepherd in accomplishing our mission of reaching Marion county with the Gospel.

Please prayerfully consider the questions in the survey asking God to direct you as you rate the ministries of our Church and strengths you value most in our next pastor.

Pages 1 and 2 relate to those ministries we value as a congregation. We recommend reading through all of the questions on pages 1 and 2 then go back to rate those congregational priorities. Rate your 4-6 top priority ministries with the highest rating of 4, rate your 2-3 intermediate priorities with 2 or 3, and the rest with a rating of 0 or 1. Some of the ministries may be aspirational which you can rate as a one of your top 4-6 priorities.

Pages 3 and 4 relate to the strengths you are looking for in a pastor. Unlike the congregational section, this section asks to you rate each quality and strength you desire in your pastor. There are comment boxes with each question. Feel free to leave a comment, the search team will read each and every comment left.

Click here to begin the survey:

Thank you for your prayerful consideration and time.

Your Good Shepherd Pastoral Search Team.